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Online Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis can be used to sometimes bring about profound positive changes in people's lives. 

Some say that hypnosis is simply "mind over matter," and there is a small element of truth to that. But if changing negative habits were as easy as just telling ourselves we want to change, well…we’d all be perfect, wouldn’t we?

That being said, the premise of hypnosis is fairly simple.

It is basically an extreme state of physical relaxation coupled with a heightened state of mental awareness.

EVERYBODY is hypnotizable. Most of us go in and out of hypnosis all the time without even realizing it. If you’ve ever fallen in love, been afraid or cried while watching a movie – or even lost your keys while they were sitting right in front of you – then you’ve experienced something very similar to the hypnotic state.

People often think that their mind is going to be controlled when they’re in hypnosis, but it’s exactly the opposite. You are always in complete control of your thoughts and actions and you may even start thinking you don’t feel anything or you don’t ‘feel’ hypnotized. In fact, the more you feel that you’re not hypnotized, the more likely it is that you’re in a deep state. There’s no wrong way to go into hypnosis and nothing can or will happen that you don’t want to happen. If at any point you feel uncomfortable you would simply say something out loud or move around and that simple connection to something physical or vocal would gradually bring you back to present awareness. But for most people, what happens is that they find they enjoy the hypnotic state so much that they would much rather just relax and enjoy the experience.

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